Restoration by Force

Memorial Meal
December 12, 2021
End of Year Thanksgiving
December 26, 2021

Restoration by Force – Mark3: 1-6, Ezekiel 4: 21-23

The Israelites had over the years been in expectation and as a result of the delay had lost faith and hope. However, despite the delay, God remains faithful. Delays will not change God from whom He is and for what He is. Therefore, that which He has said, He will fulfill.

In Mark 3: 1-6, the enemies were there and bent on ensuring that the man was not restored. However, it had to take an intent and force from Jesus to bring it to be.

Restoration: the meaning

  1. It is to be repaid
  2. Coming back to a rightful position
  3. Recovery of the lost
  4. Realisation of that which is lacking or missing
  5. It is the renewal of that which is diminishing

Things requiring Restoration:

  1. Restoration of Soul Psams 23:3
  2. Restoration of place of honour and dignity

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