End of Year Thanksgiving

Restoration by Force
December 19, 2021
Power of Favour (1)
May 1, 2022

… end of a thing is better than the beginning thereof.

… He that has started a good thing will bring it to perfection

Through the Year 2021, many are the travails an evils that many have witnessed, however, od in His mercies has preserved us His children. Thus, there is a need to have an attitude of Gratitude. We can show our gratitude by Thanking God.

Make a joyful noise unto the Lord. 

God has done a lot of great things wherewith as of a mortal nature, we may be silent about them. The woman with the issue of blood noticed that she was healed and wanted to keep mute about it. In contrast, the one leper out of the ten that were healed realized what has been done and turned to show gratitude (Luke 17:15-16). 

The voice of shout makes a difference.

As the Israelites shouted, the wall of Jericho fell flat. In praising God, we need to raise our voices in shout.

Servitude to God with a glad heart is another means wherewith we show gratitude to God. As we show our appreciation to God we need to do it with a gladdened heart. 

Drawing near unto God with singing is another means to Thank God. Hymns, Psalms, Spiritual Songs and melody are quite useful in thanking God. 

Acknowledge Goad and know Him. Knowing God truly for whom He is and for what he has done will help us to appreciate Him truly.

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