Entry into Newness through Love and Humility

Marvellous Help (3)
January 15, 2023
Marvellous Help (4)
January 29, 2023

Entry into Newness through Love and Humility

Every person, every community and organization desiring to enter into NEWNESS has to go through the route of LOVE. Love is the greatest commandment as love is the fulfilment of the law.

Before His transcession, Christ gave His disciples a “New” commandment, and He used same to brand them. This is summarised under Love. John 13:34-35.

Love is encompassing, it is an action, it is a decision, it is a feeling, it is total, it is God as God Himself is Love. 1. John 4: 7,8,16.

To love one another, to enjoy the unity and fellowship of the Church, and of Christ with the Church, then we need to love God just as He has loved us. Romans 5:8, John 3:16.

In order to attain this, it requires a genuine relationship with God. Service to one another is a great and major way to show love.

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