Priesthood of All Believers

The Power and Dimension of Mercy
May 7, 2023
June 4, 2023

The Priesthood of all Believers is one of the major and unique distinctiveness of the Baptist Church amongst others such as the Biblical authority, autonomy of the local church, etc.

Priests are the persons that perform the intercessory role between man and God. Thus, they are the mediators of the people before God.

At the death of Christ on the cross, when he declared "It is finished", the veil was torn, thus creating an avenue of access for every believer to relate directly with God. 

The Priesthood of every believer further stresses when Peter said "Ye are a chosen people", that we are the properties of God, His own elect and chosen persons that is not of the world. 

The Priesthood of every believer indicates that they are to stand in the gap, interceding for every other persons.

However, to be a Priest unto God demands that:

  • It requires a regenerated life, a transformed life, being born again.
  • Consecration and annointing 
  • An obedient life
  • All round self discipline

The Priesthood of all believers is however not a license to compete and renege against the servant of God.

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