Restoration of Time: Power for Speed
December 5, 2021
Restoration by Force
December 19, 2021

The Memorial meal is a unique meal, a covenant meal; it is a sacrificial meal.

The Nigeria Baptist Convention (NBC) recognizes two major ordinances of the ministry of Jesus along with His death and ressurection:

  • Baptism
  • Lord’s Supper

The Lord’s Passover serves as a reminder, a memorial of what the Lord has done. Exodus 12:14, 13:8

Importance of the Lord’s Supper

  1. It serves as an history; a story of the origin
  2. It reminds us of our REDEMPTION
  3. It brings back to our consciousness that all the pains and sufferings He went through is for us. Luke 22:19
  4. It reminds us of His coming/His death

Miracles Attached to the Communion

  1. It neutralizes every poison in the body
  2. The communion opens the eyes (spiritual and physical eyes)
  3. It brings about the revitalization of the whole body

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