Spiritual Warfare

Marvellous Help for Victory
February 5, 2023
Victory in Battle
February 19, 2023

For though we walk in the flesh, we do not war after the flesh:

2. Corinthians 10:3

Everything that came to be came into existence came from even the invisible and intangible things. The world came to be in existence from the Word of God (invisible) but now made manifest to us. Thus, spirituality and spiritual realm does exists. This then confirms that spiritual warfare is real and does exists.

Many have come to disapprove or acknowledge to the fact that spiritual warfare exists, simply because it hides.

It hides even in the religion man professes. No wonder there is uprising among various religious sects even in the country. It hides even in the intellectuals, it hides even in the church. Thus, to overcome spiritual warfare, there is a need to acknowledge its existence.

As Christian soldiers, we do not fight for victory but rather fight from victory. This alludes to the fact that there are hosts of armies fighting ahead for us. Nehemiah 9:6, Luke 2: 13

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