Resurrection backed up by Liberation

Entering into Newness through Love and Unity
April 23, 2023
The Power and Dimension of Mercy
May 7, 2023

Jesus performed seven (7) major miracles as recorded by the book of John: 

  • The turning of water into wine.
  • Healing of the noble man's son
  • Healing of the paralyzed man at the pool of Bethsaida
  • Feeding of about 5000 men
  • Jesus walking on water
  • Healing of the man born blind
  • Raising of Lazarus from the dead

These miracles were recorded so that Christians can believe and receive life in His name John 20: 30 - 31

The miracle of the raising of Lazarus from the dead is quite significant as it teaches us that:

  1. It is possible to be a friend of Jesus and still experience delay. 
  2. It is possible to be with Jesus and still be in chains/shackles
  3. There is a possibility to be a friend with Jesus and still have opposition

Jesus on getting to Bethany asked for the location of the burial to identify the source, then He prayed, and then exercised His power, commanding/calling on Lazarus to come forth. 

However, Lazarus though alive was: 

  • A living man but still in dead clothing
  • Moving but still bound
  • Strong but helpless

Though Jesus Christ raised Lazarus from the dead, yet he was being set free by the people around (on the command of Jesus Christ)

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