The Power and Dimension of Mercy

Resurrection backed up by Liberation
April 30, 2023
Priesthood of All Believers
May 21, 2023

Mercy is a game changer. Mercy is one of the great attributes and character of God. The Bible described God as the Father of Mercy Psalms 102: 13

When times have come to be of good and pleasant moment, then it is of Mercy Ephesians 2:4, Romans 9:18

God is quite dimensional in His ways and personality: there is a holy perspective of Him [... for I am Holy], the wisdom dimension [ ... anyone lacks wisdom, let Him ask], faith dimension [... without faith, no man can please God], and also the merciful dimension of Him.

Levels of Mercy

  1. General Mercy - His mercy across to all and His creatures (Psalms 145: 8-9)
  2. Encompassed Mercy - His mercy exclusive to His own people, for those who trust in the Lord (Psalms 32:10)
  3. Sure Mercy Isaiah 55:3, Acts 13:34, I Kings 3:6, II Samuel 24: 11-14
  4. Great mercy 2. Chronicles 1:18
  5. Gracious Mercy Psalms 86: 5

Mercy is restorative and redemptive. It removes the consequences of sin and of the errors of the past. Mercy removes the ignorance of the acts of the wicked. Mercy removes deficiencies and weaknesses.


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