Story of Thanksgiving (1)

Vivamus malesuada fames ac
May 13, 2014
Story of Thanksgiving (2)
November 14, 2021

Psalms 107 is a psalm of restoration, deliverance and restoration for the people of God. 
The psalm has four different stories all geared out of the motive of experience to show gratitude.

O Give Thanks unto the Lord, for He is good, for His mercy endureth forever.

If further went ahead to say ….Let the redeemed of the Lord say so ….  thereby urging the people of God to also tell their stories.

  •    Story of Wandering

The Psalmist tells of the story of the Israelites as they moved aimlessly and without course in the wilderness.
Same could be applicable to the Year 2021 wherein many were lost of help, afflicted with sickness and  pain and even the year was in its entirety a wilderness of life for them. 
Numbers 32:13 – God allows wandering when we sin against him.

However,  respite in the form of s Story of Thanksgiving came in at verse 6. On the realization of their misdeed, they called unto God and He delivered them.

  • Story of a Wanderer turned to a Thanks-giver 

Rebellion is an act which God abhors greatly.
The Israelites as a result of their idolatry were made captives in a foreign land. So also was Peter who was also a victim of imprisonment, but when he cried unto God, He heard him.

  • Story of Transgression

Verse 17 revealed that as a result of the transgressions of the Israelites, they were afflicted. 
Respite however came their way in verse 19 when they cried unto God and He set them free (verse 20)

  • Story of Deliverance from Storms of Life

There comes at a point in time where we experience the ups and downs of life. This  most times takes us out and brings about exasperation. 
However, verses 28 brings us respite and hope.

Oh that men would praise the Lord, for His goodness, and for His wornderful works to the children of men! 

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