Story of Thanksgiving (2)

Story of Thanksgiving (1)
November 7, 2021
Story of Thanksgiving (3)
November 21, 2021

Thanksgiving is a priviledge of the living. Being alive gives us a reason to be grateful to God. 

Let everything that has breath praise the Lord.

Ecclesiastes 9: 4 – The Hope that the living soul has makes it far much more better than the dead, wherein there is no possibility for.

Hezekiah, a King in Israel was enthroned to lead the Israelites. He feared the and he made a lot of reforms in the house of the Lord. However, at a point, he fell ill and the word of the Lord came to him telling him of the verdict that he was going to die. He turned and prayed to God which resulted in a reversal for God pardoned him. Thereafter, he wrote The Story of his Thanksgiving (Isaiah 38:9).

He started his story by sharing of the anguish and pains he went through (vs 10).

In verse 15, he penned down his gratitude to God for all He has done. He acknowledged God’s words and that which He has spoken. The wonders of God humbled and softened his heart.

The Hope of Forgiveness (vs 17) and Hope of God’s Faithfulness (vs 18) are major factors that triggered Story of Thanksgiving (vs 18).


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